TSK yesterday and MMI today

I blogged about the power of TSK 's music yesterday;today it was another stalwart's turn to keep me spellbound. I continued playing the same mp3 CD I mentioned about. Listened to part of a live concert by MMI. The concert commenced with the Thyagaraja Krithi- Telisi Ramachandra in PoornaChandrika Ragam.This was followed by a Dikshithar masterpiece Angarakamashrayamyaham in Suruti and Nijamarmamu in Umabharanam (another MMI favourite which he used to render in a lot of his concerts and thus popularised.) But the best part of the concert was yet to follow. Another MMI favourite - Mohanam. I have heard his Papanasam Kriti Kapali before and assumed during the aalapanai that this would be another rendition of the same. However the composition that followed was Saint Thyagaraja's Mohana rama. I have decided (though it might be difficult to implement) not to listen to old-timers of Carnatic music if I need to be in office early.


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